If 2x + y = 10 and x = 3, what is x – y

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Three containers A, B and C have volumes a, b, and c respectively; and container A is full of water while the other two are empty. If from container A water is poured into container B which becomes 1/3 full, and into container C which becomes 1/2 full, how much water is left in container A?


epaulet : shoulder : : ring :?


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If the area of a square has increased by 69%,by what % has its side increased?


if on a salary s per month, a tax of x% of the salary and another of r% of the salary is deducted what is the income.


Mahesh and Ramesh are questioners. The time taken by Mahesh and make a question is double of that taken by Ramesh. If Mahesh made 3/2 questions less each minute and Ramesh made 3 questions less each minute, to make m questions, the time taken by Ramesh would be 2n minutes less than that taken by Mahesh. If Ramesh takes n minutes to make m questions, find the number of questions that Ramesh can make in a minute?


A school has 30% students from Maharashtra .Out of these 20% are Bombey students. Find the total percentage of Bombay?


Samuel is obviously a bad fisherman. During the past season, in which he and the five members of his team spent four months on a boat together off Dutch Harbor, AK, he caught fewer fish than any of his teammates. Which of the following, if true, most weakens the argument above? While fishing this past season, Samuel fell sick for a week and did not catch any fish during this time. Before becoming a fisherman, Samuel piloted a fishing boat whose members regularly caught record numbers of fish. Unlike the other fishermen on his boat, at the order of the captain, Samuel fished this past season with experimental bait. Two seasons ago, Samuel fished on another boat off Dutch Harbor and caught more fish than any other member of that boat.


Argentina had football team of 22 player of which captain is from Brazilian team and goalki from European team. For remainig player they have picked 6 from argentinan and 14 from european. Now for a team of 11 they must have goalki and captain so out of 9 now they plan to select 3 from argentinian and 6 from European. Find out no. of methods avilable for it


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How many ewes (female sheep) in a flock of 50 sheep are black? 1. There are 10 rams (male sheep) in the flock. 2. Forty percent of the animals are black. statement 1 alone is sufficient, but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question statement 2 alone is sufficient, but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question each statement alone is sufficient statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient, and additional data is needed to answer the question


a man is 24 years older than his son. In two years, his age will be twice the age of his son. The present age of his son is?


If each of the numbers A, B and C are divisible by 2, then A*B*C must be divisible by