Range 8 Kg/cm2, alarm to be set at 2Kg/cm2, at wat pressure
reciever switch to be calibrated? justify the ans?

Answer Posted / welcome4ujd

if range is 0 to 8 kg/cm2, an d alarm needed is 2 kg/cm2.
that is 25 percent of range, set the alarm at 6 psi of a 3
to 15 psi out put.
and if it is a flow transmitter of some range,say 0 to
1000 mmwc and alarm at 250 mm
then 25 % of flow in transmitter will give square root 25
devided by 10 tht is 50 percent in the control room , so
you have to set 50percent in the receiver switch that is 9
psi for a 3 to 15 psi out put.for basic flow transmitter
to find out square rooting from field to ccr
just square root the input percentage and devide by 10
to find the field input from control room signal
devide the ccr signal percentage by 10 and square it.

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