How to migrate from sqlserver 2005 to sql server 2000
(every one know reverse process of that )

Answer Posted / venu

During the process of migrating to SQL Server 2005, many
development organizations will still be forced to support
SQL Server 2000 installations. As a result, a common
requirement is the ability to reverse-migrate: move
databases back from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2000.

Unfortunately, this is not as easy. Backed-up databases from
SQL Server 2005 instances cannot be restored in SQL Server
2000 instances. Nor can detached SQL Server 2005 databases
be reattached to SQL Server 2000.

Because backup/restore and detach/attach are not supported,
the only methods available for moving data from SQL Server
2005 installations to SQL Server 2000 installations are
based on copying data. Data and schemas can be scripted
using a tool such as Red Gate's SQL Packager and scripts can
be applied on the SQL Server 2000 installations. Another
option is to use tools such as DTS or SSIS, both of which
include data copying wizards.

However, copying data and schema is a potentially
troublesome experience. SQL Server 2005 supports many
features that are not present in SQL Server 2000 and can
cause problems during cross-migration. It's important to be
cautious when attempting to develop solutions for both
platforms, and my recommendation is that development should
be done using SQL Server 2000 and the code and data migrated
forward to SQL Server 2005, rather than the other way around.

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