why we are creating system land scape in company ?
why we can't do development on prd server?

pls tell me detail. its interview question

Answer Posted / abraruddin

first u go to read basic is sap boss come to u r Question
why we creating system landscape bcz sap is development on
three tier architecture.landscape first for dev,second is
Quality and 3rd one is prd .If u think that u r not create
a landscape only one server is creating all three u come
all porblem is come on one server. ok boss u r production
system is live data of u r company on live data u r test a
software is not good or Abap who development is software
that why sap people is create best Architecture ok i hope
u r understand. If not understand.please see the attached
Doc Architecture of SAP R/3.
ok first u read or understand sap Architecture i think u
best way to understand ok

ok thank

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