The 73rd Amendment of the Indian Constitution deals with

(a) Panchayati Raj

(b) Compulsory Primary Education

(c) Nagar Palikas

(d) Minimum age for marriage

Answer Posted / ak chauhan

The 73rd Amendment of the Indian Constitution deals with
(a)Panchayati Raj

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i) Name of the candidate ii) Batch Number iii) Chest Number iv) UPSC roll number of Previous Selection process roll no. v) Father,s Name vi) Mother's Name vii) Place of Maximum Residence and Population viii) Current place address and population xi) Date of Birth x) Mother Tongue xi) Religion and whether SC/ST xii) Marital Status single/married/widower xiii) Parents alive yes/no xiv) If parents alive what is their educational qualification and where they are working and salary details xv) If they are dead then whats your age at the time of dead. xvi)Details of brother/sister relationships and our rank among them then their qualifcation and working xvii) Higher Educational Degree then S.S.L.C & H.S.C. mark details, then detail about college and university with aggregate percentage./boarder or days scholar /year of passing/medium of instruction/ outstanding achivements in study xviii)Physical details , age/ height in Cms / weight in Kg xxi)Current Occupation along with monthly income xx) Co- Curricular or Extra Curricular activities such as N.C.C and its certificate range then N.S.S etc. xxi)Name of the activity group/duration of participation and position held xxii) Hobbies xxiii) Nature of Commission (short or permanent) xxiv) Choice of Service xxv) Previous experience details i.e. chest no, batch no etc Here I have formed various set of questions based on each and individual question in PIQ-Personal Information Questionnaire. Just practice these questions with your own answers. 1) Name of the candidate:- What is the meaning for your name? Who named you like this? What is your nick name? Tel the other names related to same meaning of your name? 2) UPSC roll number of Service Selection board roll no.:- What is your UPSC roll number? Are you sure with your answer? What is the overall rank of you in the AIEEE in your twelvth standard? What is your tenth, +2 roll number? Are you sure with your reply? 2) Father’s Name:- What is the meaning for your father’s name? What is the difference between your name and your father’s name? What is the name of your family and its meaning? 3) Mother's Name:- What is the meaning for your mother’s name? What is the difference between your name and your mother’s name? 4) Place of Maximum Residence and Population:- Tel about your resident type, is that individual home or apartment type? If it is apartment type, what are the functions you have celebrated in common? If it is individual home, to which type of people/friends you used to spend time? Tel about the type of people in your native? Which type of occupation they are doing? Tel the population of your town, city, village? Tel the things which you want to improve in your city, town, village and why? 5) Current place address and population:- What is the difference between your current place of address and your place of maximum residence? Which you like more and Why? 6) Date of Birth:- Tel the famous people, who also born on the same date of birth of you? Any other special history on your date of birth? 7) Mother Tongue:- Tel the languages which you know? What’s your view on your mother tongue over the national language? (If you mention some other language other than Hindi) ? 8) Religion and whether SC/ST:- What is your view over religious system in our country? Do you have friends from all Religions? What is your view over caste system in our country? What is your view in quota system in country? 9) Marital Status single/married/widower:- What is your future plan to do marriage? Do you have a girl friend? If yes, what she says about you? What you like in her? Does she allows you to join in Army, Navy, Airforce? Have you told to her about your arrival to interview? Tel the thing which you don’t like with your girl friend? 10) Parents alive yes/no:- Till now, how did you satisfied your parents? With whom you share your necessary things/feelings and why? Do you have any idea, that your father/mother is your role model? If yes, why? How much pocket money you got in your college days and how much you utilized. How you help your mother in your holidays How you help your father You are close to father or mother and why How much you like your father and mother How you are responsible person to your family Say about your sister and brother Whom you like most and why With whom you play more Which person other than in your family and friends you like more and why Whats you father/mother rank in the working place and income they are getting How they are utilizing their income and are you satisfied with that If your family is totally dependent on you tomorrow, how you will help or run the family. 11) If parents alive what is their educational qualification and where they are working and salary details:- How much loan you have for your education? How much loan you have for your whole family? Have you started to support your family economically? If yes means, how? If you have loan for your education or family, what are the steps you have taken to settle that loan, as a responsible son? What is the difference between your education system and your parentt’s education system? 12) If they are dead then what is your age at the time of dead:- How you are helping your father/mother/guardian after your parent’s death? How you got money for education after your father/mother/guardian death? 13) Details of brother/sister relationships and our rank among them then their qualifcation and working:- What is your rank among your siblings? If you are the elder one, what you taught to your younger ones? If you are the younger one, what you have learnt from your elder one? If you are the middle, then you may get both the above questions? Tel the good thing and bad thing about your siblings? Whom you like more and why? 14) Higher Educational Degree then S.S.L.C & H.S.C. mark details, then detail about college and university with aggregate percentage./boarder or days scholar /year of passing/medium of instruction/ outstanding achivements in study :- How much you scored in your tenth, twelveth and graduation. Why there is decrease in the mark level and what you did to over come those difficulty. Which subject you like more and why Which subject you dont like and why Achievements in the study Tel special thing about your school and college Which teacher you like most why Which teacher you dont like and why Why you have chosen to study this branch Whether you chosen the particular brach of study by self or by others compulsion(Parents) Why there is some gap in studies between intercollege and graduation. How you improved the percentage from tenth to twelth and wat are steps you taken to achieve this. If you scored less marks in twelveth than in tenth, the question is What are the steps you have taken to overcome this decrease in percentage not to continue in graduation. 15) Physical details age/ height in Cms / weight in Kg:- What the things you used to do to keep yourself physically fit? If you are declared medically unfit in interview, what you will do? 16) Current Occupation along with monthly income:- Why you chosen this job? Tel your job description? How you got this job? What are the difficulties you are facing in your job? In case if you have any issues, to whom you will report? If you have difficulties in your job, how you will overcome those difficulties? What’s your income and how are spending it? How much you are saving from your income? What your co workers will say about you What you say about your boss What your boss say about you Tel about your company or organization Why you left your previous job What you like most in your job What you dont like in you job Why are you leaving the present job 17) Co- Curricular or Extra Curricular activities such as N.C.C and its certificate range then N.S.S etc. and Name of the activity group/duration of participation and position held:- When you joined in N.C.C. /N.S.S. and why What you achieved in that Positions held in that and how you got those positions Grade of certificates got such as A,B,C etc Who motivated to join in N.C.C What you have learnt from N.S.S/N.C.C 18) Hobbies and Interests:- What is your hobby? Why you have chosen this hobby From when you are doing this hobby What are the things you have learn from your hobby What are the new things you implemented in your hobby What’s your childhood hobby and what are you doing now Why you change the child hood hobby to this(recent one) 19) Nature of Commission (short or permanent):- Why you are choosing permanent commission? Why you are choosing short service commission? 20) Choice of Service:- Why you like Army rather than navy, air force? Tel the reason for this. 21) Previous experience details i.e. chest no, batch no etc:- What is the difference between your previous selection and this selection process? How many friends you got in this selection . What are the things you learnt from your previous and present selection ? 22) Friends:- How will you get new friends Which type of friends you like How many friends you have Out of friends how many are close to you In your friends to whom you share the personal things What you like in your best friend and What he likes in you What your friend or friends say about you What you say about you and your friends. Which thing you like in your close friend and why. How you will help your friend or helped your friend any good moments. How you and your friends/friend do in your free times or in holidays.


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