how imp is smile to u?

Answer Posted / bhaskar

when we make new friends our first talk is smile it can
make friends

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

1. If You join the company then what is the first thing you want to do , which you were not able to do in ur previous company? 2. Being a MCA graduate why you are looking for a call center job? 3. You don’t have any experience in call center field? why should i hire u? 4. q: why did u join in call center: ans: Now a days call center are glittering high in the market.They offering nice package and career.obviously one day you will be in a good offers a lot of scope in developing your position 5. Tell something about BPO 6. Which colour do u like? 7. Why did you want to join the call center? 8. what is the difference of domestic and international call centre? 9. why do you want to join a call centre being a computer science graduate? 10. Tell me about your favorite colour? 11. What would u do, if u become a prime minister of ur country for six months 12. As am a fresher i don’t know how to attend a interview ,give me some tips? 13. Can u stay awake in the night? 14. Do u know how to speak English with American accent? 15. Do u have the patience to listen to others’ problems?


Tell me your mother daily routine


why job in wipro?


if you stuck in problem what will you do?


What are the steps you follow when you appraise an advisor ?


Why would you be absent at work, except for natural calamities?


hello i m sonu rawat now i m going on an int. and hr man tell me why u choose this organisetion so plz tell me what should i say them


Hi friends i am Veerakumar .V got selected in sydicate bank po exam but didnt get appointment letter if any body got or will get please share with me my email id is


Hi Friends, Can anyone send me a Six Sigma question bank with answers on my email id : I am a quality manager in a Mulitnational Company. I have to design a question paper for my already trained green belts and black belts. I had a great knowledge base on six sigma at my home pc but since the mother board has gone bad and it has gobe for repair, I am not able to design a question paper. Please send me a question bank if anyone of you has it. I know that these things are really valuable but I would be highly obliged if you can do this favour. I would look forward to a long professional relationship with that individual. Thanks


Where do you see yourself after five years? : bpo


Why do you think customer service is most important? ( elaborate your thoughts logically with critical analysis for the assessment)


What's your favorite food tell me how to cook it? So you like to read books, tell me something about the book that you red last time? and you belong in different organizations, tell me what else do you do there and what is this organization that you belong to? ( these are the follow up questions sometimes being asked to prove if you're lying or not, so the tip here's be specific with your answers to make them believe in what you're sayin. These questions are being encountered after answering the question,of telling something about yourself.)


explain the senerio ofa bus stand or a a shopping mall as if you are a guard or dustbin!!


why you feel you would be suitable for Inbound customer service consultant role in a bank ?


what is us staffing? describe the complete life cycle of the us staffing