Login to flight app, in window flight reservation set the
date field and select flyfrom as Frankfurt and verify
whether flyto list box has the item FrankFurt, log the

Answer Posted / raju


If u select "FrankFurt" in FlyFrom, u don't find it again
in FlyTo drop down.

If u want to verify that ...

First generate the script statemnt to select FrankFurt in
FlyFrom fileld.

FlyFromcount= Dialog("Login").window("Flight

For example if count returns 8, after selecting Frankfurt
from FlyFrom dropdown, now find the items count from FlyTo
dropdown, it will be (count-1), it will be 7 now.

Dialog("Login").window("Flight Reservation").wincombobox
("FlyFrom").select "FrankFurt"

FlyTocount= Dialog("Login").window("Flight

now if u want to verify if FrankFurt is still there or not

for i=o to FlyTocount-1

value = Dialog("Login").window("Flight

If value = "FrankFurt"

msgbox "FrankFurt exists in FlyTo dropdown"


msgbox "FrankFurt doesn't exist in FlyTo dropdown"

End If

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