yadagiri chary k.

{ City } hyderabad
< Country > india
* Profession * accounts officer
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Answers / { yadagiri chary k. }

Question { 4687 }

hi friends i am a B.com Commerce Graduate, completed in the
year 2006. i have good knowledge in oracle General Ledger,
Accounts Payable, Cash Management. i have basic Knowledge in
Accounts Receivables and Fixed Assets, i dont have
experience in oracle financials, but i have 3 years of
experience in Accounts. After learning oracle i am very much
confused that will i be eligible to get job in oracle or
not. i got adviced from many consultancies and councellors
about this matter , few of them advice me to search oracle
job and few are'nt . please advice me to what to do .


yes u can get any thing if u try sincerely.

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