Question { Cognizant, 190398 }
What is Debit Memo & Credit Memo in Payables?
Debit memo is a document which is prepared by the customer
to his suppliers to reduce in the amount due to over
casting or damage of the goods or services. It allows
negative balances only.
Credit memo is a document which is prepared by supplier and
sent it to customer to reduce his due due to overcasting in
the original invoice. It allows negative balances only.
The main difference between Debit Memo and Credit Memo is
the origin of the document. If it is prepared by customer
send it to supplier it is called as Debit memo and Supplier
will accept it after confirmation. Supplier will not
prepare Credit memo againt debit memo. And the document is
prepared by supplier it is called as credit memo and
customer will accept it but do not prepare debit memo
against supplier credit memo.