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Answers / { premalingam }

Question { Oracle, 18169 }

ORA-1688: unable to extend table
WRH$_ACTIVE_3970712838_6793 by 128 in tablespace SYSAUX?
What is the solution for this issue?


1) Export the snapshots and then do a manual purge
2) Ignore this error Else let oracle do the job. Did you
know the MMON does auto maintenance of sysaux storage
management. Look below as taken from alert log.

ORA-1688: unable to extend table SYS.WRH$_LATCH_CHILDREN
partition WRH$_LATCH__2530202403_28403 by 128 in tablespace
ORA-1688: unable to extend table SYS.WRH$_LATCH_CHILDREN
partition WRH$_LATCH__2530202403_28403 by 128 in tablespace
MMON Flush encountered SYSAUX out of space error(1688).
MMON (emergency) purge of WR snapshots (28078) and older
Mon Feb 15 06:02:42 2010

3) Increase space of sysaux data file or add another file.
4) Oracle provides utlsyxsz.sql file to help calculate
approx the size required by sysaux. Find out the space and
add another 25% extra on top of it to be sure for a good
5) It might be possible Disable alerts due to sysaux space
warnings .

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Question { 3570 }

Recent I have migrated oracle9i to oracle10g(
I have nested table that table used user define datatype.
at a column.
when i
want to input the valoue at this column ,i cann't the input
value.following the error messasge i have got:
ORA-24328 illegal attribute value


Can anyone help me in solving this error pls.
I am trying to execute a pl script in which it executes a
simple SQL statement "Select Client_loc_no from Subscriber".
I get this error and could not find out the reason why.

" DBD::Oracle::db prepare failed: ORA-24328: illegal
[for Statement "SELECT Client_Loc_no from SUBSCRIBER
"] at line 164."

Given is the code snippet of the script.

my ($dataSource) = "dbi:Oracle:host=$server;sid=PACD;port=1521";
$dbcdb = DBI->connect($dataSource, $user, $pwd) or die
"Cannot connect to $server using $user/$pwd!\n";

my($sql) = < SELECT Client_Loc_no from SUBSCRIBER
my $sth = $dbcdb->prepare($sql) or die "Prepare statement: "
. $dbh->errstr;

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