Question { 14945 }
list out types of white box testing with breif explain?
some body told seven types are there, plz give me ans.
white box testing:testing done on the source code by
it includes nany steps some as follow
1)path testing
2)condition testing
3)loop testing
4)memory testing
5)performance testing
1)path testing : write flowgraph and test indepentent path
2)condition testing:all conditions involved in the
application with all cycles(ex:if(cond < 10) { } else { })
3)loop tesing:check all loops available in the source code
(ex:while )
4)memory testing:1)reduce rewritten codes in multiple
2)if developer not used in-built
functions then all in-built functions are refered and use
in source code and removes those written by developer for
3)unused variables , function , objects
those are defined but not used (for this developer will go
to automation tool known as "rational purify")
5)performance analysis:for this developer will go to
automation tool known as "rational quntify"
using instead of functions