Question { 247Customer, 20856 }
How many types of cursors are there in SQL Server?
There can be 7 types of Cursors in SQL Server
1] Dynamic : Scrollable. Its slowest, and sensitive to all changes in resultset.
2] Keyset : Scrollable. Its slow but faster than Dynamic.Sensitive to Changes like updation and deletion but not insertion
3] Static : Its srollable and faster than both above. We can move forward and backward, but changes are not visible
4] Forward_Only Dynamic : Its not scrollable, but sensitive to changes.
5] Forward_only keyset : Its not scrollable, but sensitive to updation and deletion in resultset but not insertion. We can only move forward and not backward.
6] Forward_only Static : Not sensitive to changes not scrollable.
7] Fast-forward : fastest among all.