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User No # 42520
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Questions / { manojkumar }
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I am developing a payroll system mini project.I used file concept in program for reading and writing.When the program is reloading into the memory that is if i execute next time the file was cleaned and adding data from the starting this is my problem.I want to strore the previous data and if i want to add any record that should be next of previous data.Please help me.

OOPS 2629

how can i get output like this? 1 2 3 4 5 6


6 C 6174

how can i get this 123456789 1234 6789 123 789 12 89 1 9


1 C Sharp 7448

what is mallloc()?how it works?


4 C 6182

how can we use static and extern?and where can we use this?


3 C 6260

how to use enum datatype?Please explain me?


3 C 4966

what is mean by kernal?


9 Unix AllOther 10783

What is RAM memory? and What is ROM?Who designed one is temparary and another is permanent?why they designed like that?By using far pointer which type data(whether hexadecimal)we can access?


1 C 4495

What are the languages are portable and platform independent?Why they are like that?

Excel, Satyam,

1 C 3488

pointer_variable=(typecasting datatype*)malloc(sizeof(datatype)); This is the syntax for malloc?Please explain this,how it work with an example?

eClerx, Excel, kenexa,

2 C 8157

how can i get this by using for loop? * ** * **** * ******


3 C 4091

#include int main ( int argc, char* argv [ ] ) { int value1 = 10; int value2 = 5; printf ( "\n The sum is :%d", value1 | value2 ); } This is the answer asked by some one to add two numbers with out using arithmetic operator?Yes this answer is write it given out put as 15.But how????? what is need of following line? int main ( int argc, char* argv [ ] ) how it work?what is the meaning for this line? please explain me.Advance thanks


9 C 13622

Why data types in all programming languages have some range? Why ritche have disigned first time likethat?Why not a single data type can support all other types?


2 C 3960

what is 16 bit processor and what is 32 bit processor?how can we differentiate and identify or find that ?How they access data?


Engineering AllOther 1436

What is Firewall? I saw in one website Firewall is software and hardware and combination of software and hardware.It is used to protect user information or avoiding it is?Whether it is hardware?If not then why the images are like that?(a wall ).Please help me by answering this question.Advance thanks.


4 Networking Security 4359

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