Question { 9459 }
What is the difference between class and abstract class?
class is a container for methods, and i can access those
methods by creating the object of my class, and then using
the dot operator with my object to access those methods.
example: radix obj = new radix();
[where class name is radix, obj is the object of my class
now assume that my class contains a method to add two
integer values and the name of that method is add(), i can
access add by telling the compiler
example: obj.add();
but sometimes a situation comes where i do not want to
create an object of my class, their i can use the abstract
this is because the methods of my base class can be
accessed by my derived class by using : in c# so their is
no use of creating the object of the base class because by
default every method can be acessed of the base class so
instead of creating object of the base class i can create
the object of my derived class and can access function of
my base class...
if u still have confusion try this code out
using System;
abstract class Radix
public void fun()
Console.WriteLine("hello dude");
class me:Radix // inheriting base class radix
void funt()
Console.WriteLine("hi, dude");
static void Main()
me obj = new me(); //derived class object;//accessing base class method
i hope this exaqmple helps for further help contact me on
my mail id
Thanks and Regards,