
{ City } bangalore
< Country > india
* Profession * software engineer
User No # 3860
Total Questions Posted # 18
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Questions / { sukumar }
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can we call stored Procedure in Function in Sql Server 2000 and vice versa.

C3I, eSoft, iPRO Solutions, Wipro,

3 SQL Server 18679

What is an extended Stored Procedure?

1 SQL Server 6149

What is Trigger?


3 SQL Server 9866

What is a view? is View updatable?


17 SQL Server 32291

What is the difference between having and where clause?

4 SQL Server 9699

Why we need a group by clause?

4 SQL Server 9292

What is a join and their types?

Challenger Financial,

2 SQL Server 6826

What is the difference between referencing and joining?

1 SQL Server 3628

What is the difference between constraints and triggers?


9 SQL Server 34745

What is ACID Property of Transaction?

10 SQL Server 35959

What is an index?

Yardi Software,

8 SQL Server 14118

What is normalization and its forms?

Challenger Financial,

4 SQL Server 13205

What is a cursor in SQL Server 2000 and their types?

8 SQL Server 17672

How do we get month name in SQL Server 2000, Oracle, MS Access?

11 SQL Server 52270

How do we return a record set from a Stored Procedure in SQl server 2000?

3 SQL Server 5848

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Answers / { sukumar }