mohammad farookh

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Answers / { mohammad farookh }

Question { AZTEC, 71179 }

Difference between Include, Forward and sendRedirect in


Response.sendRedirect () This function is used, when we
want to redirect
the client request to some other site (i.e out of our
context) or
when ever we want to redirect errors. If you are using
sendRedirect (), then it will be visible to the client that
means the URL which you have been redirected will be
visible in the address bar. Redirect response to the client
using the specified redirect location URL.

RequestDispatcher Interface:
Forward() : This can be done in two ways by Request &
Forwarding a request from a servlet to another resource
(servlet, JSP
file, or HTML file) on the server. Forward is done at
server side, without the client's knowledge.

When you invoke a forward request, the request is sent to
resource on the server, without the client being informed
that a
different resource is going to process the request. This
process occurs
completely with in the web container. When a sendRedirtect
method is
invoked, it causes the web container to return to the
browser indicating
that a new URL should be requested. Because the browser
issues a
completely new request any object that are stored as
request attributes
before the redirect occurs will be lost. This extra round
trip a
redirect is slower than forward.
Include:Includes dynamic page information..

Is This Answer Correct ?    130 Yes 15 No

Question { CMC, 23696 }

What is Struts Frame Work Architecture(With Diagram) ?


Model Components
Model components provide a "model" of the business logic or
data behind a Struts program. For example, in a Struts
application that manages customer information, it may be
appropriate to have a "Customer" Model component that
provides program access to information about customers.

It's very common for Model components to provide interfaces
to databases or back-end systems. For example, if a Struts
application needs to access employee information that is
kept in an enterprise HR information system, it might be
appropriate to design an "Employee" Model component that
acts as an interface between the Struts application and the
HR information system.

Model components are generally standard Java classes. There
is no specifically required format for a Model component,
so it may be possible to reuse Java code written for other

View Components
View components are those pieces of an application that
present information to users and accept input. In Struts
applications, these correspond to Web pages.

View components are used to display the information
provided by Model components. For example, the "Customer"
Model component discussed above would need a View component
to display its information. Usually, there will one or more
View components for each Web page in a Struts application.

View components are generally built using JavaServer Page
(JSP) files. Struts provides a large number of "JSP Custom
Tags" (sometimes referred to as Struts Tags) which extend
the normal capabilities of JSP and simplify the development
of View components.

Controller Components
Controller components coordinate activities in the
application. This may mean taking data from the user and
updating a database through a Model component, or it may
mean detecting an error condition with a back-end system
and directing the user through special error processing.
Controller components accept data from the users, decide
which Model components need to be updated, and then decide
which View component needs to be called to display the

One of the major contributions of Controller components is
that they allow the developer to remove much of the error
handling logic from the JSP pages in their application.
(After all, if errors in processing occur, the Controller
component forwards to an error-processing View component,
not the primary results View component.) This can
significantly simplify the logic in the pages and make them
easier to develop and maintain.

Controller components in Struts are Java classes and must
be built using specific rules. They are usually referred to
as "Action classes."

I unable to draw here........hope this will help you

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 8 No

Question { Wipro, 1502 }

What is SMA?


The System Management Application (SMA) is a web application distributed with the Pega Platform that enables system administrators and developers to monitor and manage the resources and processes of Pega Platform applications.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Question { Wipro, 1455 }

Differentiate the usage of Assignment Shape and Router shape?


Obj-Browse: - This method is used to fetch multiple instances from a table. Data Structure is Page List and Data is Read only.
Obj-Open: - This methods can be used to fetch single Record from tables on Class Key.

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