ravis maqbool

{ City } bangalore
< Country > india
* Profession * student
User No # 23471
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Questions / { ravis maqbool }
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what are the fundamental reasons behind the present worldwide economic downturn?


Banking Finance 2058

was it the wrong and agressive use of derivative instruments that led to the financial crisis in the us and the world over?

2 Banking Finance 4363

Answers / { ravis maqbool }

Question { HDFC, 107060 }

What are the responsibilities of financial manager?


The basic responsibilities of a any financial manager
1. To ensure the wealth maximization of the shareholder's
of the company.
2. to ensure the profit maximization of the company.

Is This Answer Correct ?    63 Yes 28 No

Question { 8609 }

What is the Relationship between the Return and Risk?


There is a direct relation between the risk and return. The
more risk you take , the more return you will be getting.
Thus,higher the risk in a security, higher will be the
return and vice versa.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

Question { TCS, 149519 }

Define yourself


hi i am ravis maqbool. i have done mba from ecu, australia
and am a fresher.i am a good team player, flexible to work
and hard working.i am a very enthusiastic person.i love
playing cricket, listening to music and discovering new
places with my friends.i have represented my state at
national level in throwball held at chennai in 1999.i was
actively involved in the collection of funds for the
rehabilitation of the orphan children at my hometown.

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 24 No

Question { Brigade, 7916 }

If private comapny will takeover the public company it will
come under which type of takeover?


it will come under leveraged buyout (LBO).

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 12 No