
{ City } jamshedpur
< Country > india
* Profession * b tech
User No # 22669
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Questions / { rajan }
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What is the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR data types?


2 MySQL 7828

Give the syntax of REVOKE commands?

1 MySQL 3577

Give the syntax of GRANT commands?

3 MySQL 5049

How many ways we can we find the current date using MySQL?

3 MySQL 7545

What is the maximum length of a table name, a database name, or a field name in MySQL?

4 MySQL 7210

How can we find the number of rows in a result set using PHP?

2 PHP 3777

How can we know the count/number of elements of an array?

1 PHP 3855

What are the different functions in sorting an array?

1 PHP 3533

How can we destroy the session, how can we unset the variable of a session?

3 PHP 4682

For printing out strings, there are echo, print and printf. Explain the differences.

3 PHP 5672

What is the difference between the functions unlink and unset?

6 PHP 6193

How can we extract string ‘abc.com ‘ from a string info@abc.com" target="_blank">http://info@abc.com using regular expression of php?

6 PHP 7577

Would you initialize your strings with single quotes or double quotes?

4 PHP 9083

Answers / { rajan }