akesh agrawal

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Answers / { akesh agrawal }

Question { HCL, 54748 }

Define Statistical Key Figure?


Statistical key figures represent activities or statistics
in a cost center, profit center, or order. They are
measured in units of time or quantity.
You create statistical key figures with maintenance
transactions and post both plan and actual values to cost
centers and orders. In CO, statistical key figures are used
in assessment and distribution as allocation bases. These
are used to calculate the debit on a receiver object.
Statistical key figures can be transferred from other
objects to Profit Center Accounting, where you can create
new statistical key figures.

Statistical key figures may be used for distribution,
assessment, or creation of other statistical key figures.

An example of a statistical key figure is the number of
employees in a cost center. Once you have created the
statistical key figure EMPLOY, you can enter the plan and
actual values on each cost center. These values can then be
used for assessing cafeteria costs on all the other cost

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Question { Infosys, 46393 }

what is controlling area, cost center, cost element,internal
order & profit center?what does it control?what is
relationship between each other?


Controlling Area:
An organizational unit within a company, used to represent
a closed system for cost accounting purposes.
A controlling area may include single or multiple company
codes that may use different currencies. These company
codes must use the same operative chart of accounts.
All internal allocations refer exclusively to objects in
the same controlling area.

Profit center:
rofit center is an organizational unit in accounting that
reflects a management-oriented structure of the
organization for the purpose of internal control.Profit
Center Accounting evaluates the profit or loss of
individual, independent areas within an organization. These
areas are responsible for their costs and revenues.

Cost Center:
Cost Centers are the organizational units within a
controlling area that represents a location where costs
occur. Organizational divisions can be done on the basis
of functional, settlement-related, activity-related,
region/section/department related, and/or responsibility-
related, to monitor actual and plan figure standpoints
where cost is captured.

Cost Element:
All Profit and Loss GL account defined in Finance Chart of
account shall be created, as Cost Element This is in order
to avoid Reconciliation of FI and CO module. As soon as
Cost element is created in controlling module one needs to
give Cost object to it. Cost Object could be Material, Cost
Center, Internal Order, Production Order etc.
Two Types of CE:
Primary CE- Primary cost elements, which are based on GL
Secondary CE- Secondary cost elements are used only in CO
booking in case of
transfer/allocation/Distribution/Recovery of cost within

Internal Order:
An internal order is used to accumulate cost for a specific
project or task for a specific time period. An internal
order is therefore used for a short period with a specific

Cost center, Profit center, Internal order & Cost element
above all under controlling area they are link each other.
they cost object where cost and revenue collect.

If i wrong please let me know right details..

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