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Questions / { saranya }
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pls send me enough model question papers to prepare for the BSRB Clercical exam that is to be held in july. Thankyou.


1 BSRB Clerical 4371

Answers / { saranya }

Question { State Bank Of India SBI, 903604 }

I have qualified in the sbi clerical test .Now my
interview is on 16-10-2008.So pls tell me what questions
are asked in the interview and tell me the reference book
for interview in sbi.


Hi Folks,
I'v been goin thru this blog since sometime, thanks for
all the active participants of this block, U've been doin a
great job which benefits 1000's of people across the
country, directly and indirectly.. Thank u to all once again.

Thanku 4 sharing ur experiences at the interview, Am also
4m chennai n have my interview on 21st.. U had mentioned
about 4 copies of community certificate, Iam BC N i hav my
community certi. but then its mentioned OBC shud produce a
certi. With non creamy class mentioned in it..? wat is it
alabout n is it mandatory to get one..or is it enough if
Iproduce d comm. certi. dat I have Pls let me know. (Anybody
with an ans. kindly rep.)

All d best to fellow candidates :)
keep this blog active :) forever..!!

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Question { State Bank Of India SBI, 903604 }

I have qualified in the sbi clerical test .Now my
interview is on 16-10-2008.So pls tell me what questions
are asked in the interview and tell me the reference book
for interview in sbi.


Hi ppl,
Answers to few Q'S shared by are frenz after attending d

1)why was there a huge dwnfall in share mkt?
It's an adjustment to the Reagonomic theory that money
flows downward from the top. Unfortunately, without a strong
base, the top falls.

Currently, banks have written loans (mortgage, credit card,
student loan, etc) in amounts that are not being repaid. The
loss of high paying jobs, energy costs have diverted the
money from the repayment of debt. The banks who lend the
money sell the loans at a discount in bulk to get operating

Since so many of the loans are in default, no one will
invest in them. That has deprived the lenders of operating
capitol. Without money, they can't operate and must file

Greedy, unregulated institutions have lent more money than
they could afford. Now that loans are in default, they are
in trouble. No one wants to invest in the stock of a
troubled corporation as this poses a huge risk of loss. The
stock is then worth less. Simply no demand for ownership of
failing companies.

3)what r partly paid shares?
Partly-paid Share: a stock for which stockholders
have not paid the full
contractual amount.

4)wht is law of diminishing marginal utility?

Economic theory that the perceived value of a product
to a consumer declines with each additional unit acquired.

5)who is d chairman of SEBI?
Mr. C.B Bhave

6)what r d types of shares?
A unit of ownership interest in a corporation
or financial asset. While owning shares in a business does
not mean that the shareholder has direct control over the
business's day-to-day operations, being a shareholder does
entitle the possessor to an equal distribution in any
profits, if any are declared in the form of dividends.

The two main types of shares are common shares and preferred

7)hw mch ws the gdp in last year?

The monetary value of all the finished goods and
services produced within a country's borders in a specific
time period, though GDP is usually calculated on an annual
basis. It includes all of private and public consumption,
government outlays, investments and exports less imports
that occur within a defined territory.

GDP = C + G + I + NX


"C" is equal to all private consumption, or consumer
spending, in a nation's economy
"G" is the sum of government spending
"I" is the sum of all the country's businesses spending on
"NX" is the nation's total net exports, calculated as total
exports minus total imports. (NX = Exports - Imports)

GDP is commonly used as an indicator of the economic health
of a country, as well as to gauge a country's standard of

Latest News:
The Reserve Bank today decided to inject Rs20,000 crore
through short-term lending route to help the mutual funds
meet their liquidity needs and overcome redemption pressure.
“RBI has decided to conduct a special 14-day repo at 9% per
annum for Rs20,000 crore today with a view to enabling banks
to meet the liquidity requirement of mutual funds,” the
central bank said in a release.
SEBI( Securities and Exchange Board of India) Chairman- C B

Hope its useful,


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