i give print command but print is not comming why ? but printer is working properly ...
1 Everything Else AllOther 4063• What is Active Directory? • What is LDAP? • Can you connect Active Directory to other 3rd-party Directory Services? Name a few options. • Where is the AD database held? What other folders are related to AD? • What is the SYSVOL folder? • Name the AD NCs and replication issues for each NC • What are application partitions? When do I use them • How do you create a new application partition • How do you view replication properties for AD partitions and DCs? • What is the Global Catalog?
5 Microsoft Certifications 27770• How do you view all the GCs in the forest? • Why not make all DCs in a large forest as GCs? • Trying to look at the Schema, how can I do that? • What are the Support Tools? Why do I need them? • What is LDP? What is REPLMON? What is ADSIEDIT? What is NETDOM? What is REPADMIN?
3 Microsoft Certifications 17168• What are sites? What are they used for? • What's the difference between a site link's schedule and interval? • What is the KCC? • What is the ISTG? Who has that role by default? • What are the requirements for installing AD on a new server? • What can you do to promote a server to DC if you're in a remote location with slow WAN link?
3 Microsoft Certifications 12955