Question { Microsoft, 805 }
What are all the steps to create a solution?
Navigate to Settings > Solutions.
Choose New and complete the required fields for the solution
Field Description
Display Name The name shown in the list of solutions. You can change this later.
Name The unique name of the solution. This is generated using the value you enter in the Display Name field. You can edit this before you save the solution, but after you save the solution, you can’t change it.
Publisher You can select the default publisher or create a new publisher. Unless you plan to distribute your solution, you should just use the default publisher for your organization.
Version Enter a number for the version of your solution. This is only important if you export your solution. The version number will be included in the file name when you export the solution.
Choose Save.
After you save the solution, you may wish to add information to fields that aren’t required. These steps are optional. Use the Description field to describe the solution and choose an HTML web resource as a Configuration Page for the solution. The configuration page is typically used by ISVs who distribute solutions. When this is set, a new Configuration node appears below the Information node to display this web resource. Developers will use this page to include instructions or controls to allow you to set configuration data or launch their solution.