int main() { int days; printf("enter days you are late"); scanf("%d",days); if (days<=5) printf("5o paisa fine"); if (days<=10&&days>=6) printf("1rs fine"); if(days>10) printf("10 rs fine"); if(days=30) printf("membership cancelled"); return 0; } tell me whats wrong in this program? is it right?
2 C 24607-Given an index k, return the kth row of the Pascal's triangle. For example, when k = 3, the row is [1,3,3,1]. For reference look at the following standard pascal’s triangle.
C 2337Take an MxN matrice from user and then sum upper diagonal in a variable and lower diagonal in a separate variables. Print the result
C 15544-Take two sets of 5 numbers from user in two arrays. Sort array 1 in ascending and array 2 in descending order. Perform sorting by passing array to a function mySort(array, sortingOrder). Then multiply both the arrays returned from function, using metric multiplication technique in main. Print result in metric format.
C 1845