Un-Answered Questions { Metallurgy }

What is the chemical composition of ceramic and what is its atomic density?


How is solution annealing carried out? What type of furnace is required? Does one need to be heat in a salt bath?


What is the difference between plaster used in gold investment casting and ceramic used in the process of investment casting of automobile engine parts and turbineblades etc. When both are used in the lost-wax method?


When using mercury to recover very, fine gold from ore, what is the best way to separate the gold laden mercury from the ore?


What affect would increasing the charpy impact toughness on an object have on the surface of an object it strikes if all else remains the same? Would it cause moredamage to the object it strikes?


What are the compositions of brass, how can this metal be heat-treated, what is the melting point of this metal?


How much gold concentration should be in the organic phase (dbc) before reduction by oxalic acid solution?


What is iron ferrite and what is it used for?


A plain carbon steel contains 45 wt% of proeutectoid ferrite. What is its average carbon content in weight percent? I know that you need to use a tie line in the phasediagram, but my book does not really give a good example to go by?


For what reason would an aluminum casting, when applied with a powder coated paint finish, cause a poor finish to the paintwork.


When we do cardonitriding or casehardening operation for a plain carbon steel the case depth, hardness & microstructure are not alike why and what are the basicthing, which makes such a difference.


What is the difference between diagrams of it and ct in heat treatment of steels?


How would a salt and water solution clean a penny but a vinegar and salt solution will not clean a penny? What is the cause of this?


What metal cord transfers electricity, and how can I tell?


what is the hardness of ohns before heat treatment process and hardness of en series before heat treatment process