What are the benefits of yii over other frameworks?
How to access module component?
What is gii in yii 2.0?
How to get the get home page url in yii?
How to set home page url in yii?
What are the directory structure of yii 2.0 framework?
What are the server requirements to install yii 2.0 framework?
Why gii is used in yii 2.0?
What are formatter in yii 2.0?
what is meant by yii framework?
What is the component, helper and why are they used, is there other way we can do same thing, what is better?
What is the component, uses, how can we do and what is the better way?
What are the core application components available on yii?
How to set default controller on yii project ?
If you have to validate a registrations module for a user, what all can be possible ways, which one is the best?