How are ayurvedic medicines marketed?
Is there any code of conduct for good manufacturing practices (gmp) in ayurvedic pharmacies?
How do I find a competent ayurveda practitioner?
Is there scope for ayurveda in the contemporary period?
How is diagnosis done in ayurveda?
Where do raw materials for manufacturing ayurvedic medicines come from?
How safe is to buy ayurveda medicines over the counter?
What are the aphrodisiacs tonics for improving the quality of semen/sperm count and motility and fertility?
How should I access ayurvedic medicines?
Is there any regulation for manufacturing ayurvedic medicines?
Is there any rationale behind integrting ayurveda and western medicine?
What is the origin of ayurveda ?
What are the main classical reference books of ayurveda?
What is the basic philosophy of health, disease and treatment in ayurveda?
When pharmaceutical laboratory of indian medicine (plim) was established and what are the functions?