Un-Answered Questions { Pharmacy }

i am pursing b.pharmacy iam interested in applying for the post of drug inspector piz give me ideas how to pepare and if you have model papers plzzzzzzzzzzz do send me sir my email id is vishwanreddy_90@yahoo.com


besides Signal & noise ratio how calculating LOD & LOQ?


solubility of drug in penetration enhancers is affected to the transdermal penetration of any drug yes or not? increase penetration with solubility or not?


i've completed B.Pharmacy in nov.2009 & now i want to apply for drug inspector,but i don't know about the eligibility ,procedure to apply ,entrance test,interviews,etc. so i want a detailed information about it.please send me the information.thanks


why we use PG as a taxonomic marker ?


is there any entrance exam conducted for the post of drug inspector and what is the usual time


when will be the drug inspector notification will be anounced.what are the educational requirements...


how related substnce method developted for new compound which not official in the pharmacopiea


Hi, I am studying Bpharmacy final year. 1)I want to interview questions for facing basic interview.please help me to provide model papers for all pharma companies and give ur valuable suggestions also. 2)Send me important links for BPharmacy interviews. 3)How should i prepare for facing interview,please give me suggestion. My email id:1010.murthy@gmail.com


what are the most common infectious diseases a pharmacist sees? Do pharmacists routinly encounter antibiotic resistent in some of the infectious agents that patients have contacted? if so which onces?


why u want to join as a m.r?


what is antioxidant para meters


when we calibrate uv for control of wavelength we scan for 200 to 800 nm but we get the result only for some specific wavelength how we confirm for all other wavelength?


how quantitative stability studies are done?


hello friends... i got 3 tym rejection in my us student visa interview. every tym vo ask me same questions lyk y ths uni, y ths course n abt my sponsor etc. pls gv me suggestion for th que, y ths uni? as my undergraduate major is pharmacy n i got i 20 frm university of bridgeport for ms in biomedical eng.