When can infinite loop occur in a plugin? How do you avoid infinite loops in plugin code?
What is the use of Ownership while creating Entity in MSCRM?
Difference between Timeout and Wait conditions?
Can we customize SVCUTIl.exe class of MSCRM or Can we create our custom Early binding class for few entities?
What does the CRM asynchronous service do?
When to use Query Expressions and Fetch XML ?
Where Plug-In store in MSCRM or Where the Plug-In information stored in MSCRM?
Is it beneficial to connect MS CRM with social media websites?
When to use Plugin and when to use workflows ?
What is ODATA ?
What are stages we have in CRM?
What is the unsecured configurations and how can we access from plug-in code?
Is it possible to register plugin through solution?
What is the process to register the Plug-in in CRM?
When we can go for pre-validations and when we can go for pre-stage?