Benefits of SMF compared LRC(legacy run control)?
Explain custom jumpstart procedure?
Performace degradations in NFSv4 when upgraded from NFSv3? problems with NFS v4?
What kind of issues you get?
environment? Is it heterogeneous (mix of linux, solaris,other UNIX)?
how to add Kernel patch in all systems at a time?
1.Have you used vxboot ? 2.Minimum requirement for mirror volume to created ?
what is the importance of swap memory and how it will supports?
In solaris 10 root Disk is 98% full what steps to be taken?
What are the raid levels in solaris?
What do you understand by irq assignments?
How does a solaris cluster work?
Discuss the two modes of the vi editor in solaris.
How can the output be redirected to some other action process in place showing it in the screen?
How can a user increase the number of pseudo-ttys? what is their use?