Un-Answered Questions { Post Graduation Entrance Exams }

which component is in most in kidney stones


Dear friends any body can tell where i will get Degree lecturer chemistry study materials.


Hi, I am 30years old. Can I give any govt. sector exam. I have done my graduaion form Delhi University.. Please suggest me?


CCl4 is inert to water but BCl3 hydrolises in moist air.Why?


what is 162 in tmt bars caluclating fomula ?


How I should prepare for MCA with SSC coaching


. Revti industries has a factory at lonavala and two branches at vapi and silvase. The goods produced at factory are dispatched to the branches. The goods are produced at cost of 170 per unit. The transport cost to vapi is 35 per unit and to silvase are 30 per unit profit @ 20% on cost is added during March 2015, quantity manufactured was 25000 unit. out of this 7500 units were sent to vapi and 6500 unit were sent to silvase the sales during month were. A. lonavala -9000 unit to local customer lonavala 2000 unit to overseas buyer b. vapi -6500 unit to local customer c. silvase -5500 unit to local customer in addition 500 units were captively consumed calculate excise duty payable @ 12.36 %


Largest producing manganese district of odisha.


For any function f(x), the inverse function f-1(x)is defined. If f(x)=3e-x , then f-1(x)=? a)ln(3/x) b) ln(x/3) c) ln(x).5 d) (1/3)ln(x)


will all bpo companies would be call centers then what is the right meaning of ''NON-VOICE EXECUTIVES"


Am 18 year old I want to be cabin crew I have no experience in customer services how do I tell the interviewer am matured enough to take responsibility and challenges please some help me to answer outstanding answer


Grape is native to which place


The number of possible ordered trees with 3 nodes ,please explain


I want know some good coaching classes in Mumbai for drug inspector exam. Please do reply quick.


Whose killling was the trigger for the 1st World War ?