Un-Answered Questions { Code Snippets }

how to manage mlng timer because they don't explain what's it's function?


what does mbln in mblnrects mean? my boolean?


can everyone explain this code Private Sub DrawRect(rectSource As RECT, lngColour As Long) Line (rectSource.Left, rectSource.Top)-(rectSource.Left, rectSource.Bottom), lngColour Line (rectSource.Left, rectSource.Top)- (rectSource.Right, rectSource.Top), lngColour Line (rectSource.Right, rectSource.Bottom)- (rectSource.Right, rectSource.Top), lngColour Line (rectSource.Right, rectSource.Bottom)- (rectSource.Left, rectSource.Bottom), lngColour End Sub


I need your help, i need a Turbo C code for this problem.. hope u'll help me guys.? Your program will have a 3x3 array. The user will input the sum of each row and each column. Then the user will input 3 values and store them anywhere, or any location or index, temporarily in the array. Your program will supply the remaining six (6) values and determine the exact location of each value in the array. Example: Input: Sum of row 1: 6 Sum of row 2: 15 Sum of row 3: 24 Sum of column 1: 12 Sum of column 2: 15 Sum of column 3: 18 Value 1: 3 Value 2: 5 Value 3: 6 Output: Sum of Row 1 2 3 6 4 5 6 15 7 8 9 24 Sum of Column 12 15 18 Note: Your program will not necessary sort the walues in the array Thanks..


Design a timer circuit using VHDL which has the following: input : start_timer(ST) output: long_time(LT) short_time(ST) when the timer is triggered by the ST(either 0 or 1) signal the timer should generate two timing signals accordingly.While the long time is going ON the other should be OFF and vice versa.


I am attempting to work on a game panel with multi-server support, so in one of the pages there is a dropdown menu with servers on it, this is the part i am having issues with is server 1 is chosen i need access to the username running a script to server 1 chosen i need a script that will realize its been chosen and pop up below with a username thats associated with it because the users differ on each server so i choose server 1 i need a code to pull from the db and choose the user associated with the said server please help..


How to swap two ASCII numbers?


What is the best way to make wordpress plugin


Write a C/C++ program that connects to a MySQL server and checks if the InnoDB plug-in is installed on it. If so, your program should print the total number of disk writes by MySQL.




write a java program to create a Frame with three scrolls, change the back ground color of the frame using functions with values of scrolls.


i really need help about this.. write a program to display the set of odd and even numbers separately. find the highest and lowest value of the given numbers.


Write a C/C++ program that connects to a MySQL server and displays the global TIMEZONE.


Financial: credit card number validation) Credit card numbers follow certain patterns. A credit card number must have between 13 and 16 digits. It must start with: ■ 4 for Visa cards ■ 5 for Master cards ■ 37 for American Express cards ■ 6 for Discover cards In 1954, Hans Luhn of IBM proposed an algorithm for validating credit card numbers. The algorithm is useful to determine whether a card number is entered correctly or whether a credit card is scanned correctly by a scanner. All credit card numbers are generated following this validity check, commonly known as the Luhn check or the Mod 10 check, which can be described as follows (for illustration, consider the card number 4388576018402626): 1. Double every second digit from right to left. If doubling of a digit results in a two-digit number, add up the two digits to get a single-digit number. 2 * 2 = 4 2 * 2 = 4 4 * 2 = 8 1 * 2 = 2 6 * 2 = 12 (1 + 2 = 3) 5 * 2 = 10 (1 + 0 = 1) 8 * 2 = 16 (1 + 6 = 7) 4 * 2 = 8 2. Now add all single-digit numbers from Step 1. 4 + 4 + 8 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 7 + 8 = 37 3. Add all digits in the odd places from right to left in the card number. 6 + 6 + 0 + 8 + 0 + 7 + 8 + 3 = 38 4. Sum the results from Step 2 and Step 3. 37 + 38 = 75 5. If the result from Step 4 is divisible by 10, the card number is valid; otherwise, it is invalid. For example, the number 4388576018402626 is invalid, but the number 4388576018410707 is valid. Write a program that prompts the user to enter a credit card number as a long integer. Display whether the number is valid or invalid. Design your program to use the following methods: /** Return true if the card number is valid */ public static boolean isValid(long number) /** Get the result from Step 2 */ public static int sumOfDoubleEvenPlace(long number) /** Return this number if it is a single digit, otherwise, return * the sum of the two digits */ public static int getDigit(int number) /** Return sum of odd place digits in number */ public static int sumOfOddPlace(long number) /** Return true if the digit d is a prefix for number */ public static boolean prefixMatched(long number, int d) /** Return the number of digits in d */ public static int getSize(long d) /** Return the first k number of digits from number. If the * number of digits in number is less than k, return


how to insert fname,lname,designation values into database while click on the submit button using windows authentication mode?