What are the vital features of Oracle HRMS?
If you do personalization at both FUNCTION level and Responsibility level, which personalization has higher precedence?
Ensuring that Costing Information can be provided
What is a security profile in HRMS?
Can a job have multiple positions?
What is the difference between both SECURED VIEWS and NON SECURED VIEWS?
How many key flex fields in HRMS?
What are the tools used with Oracle HRMS?
What is advanced benefits module in Oracle HRMS?
Can we delete an employee forever? How?
How Oracle HRMS helps in Budgeting and Costing?
What are the difference between extra information type (EIT. and special information type (SIT)?
How can you make Employee Number generation Automated based on business rule etc?
Does iRecruitment support “Candidate Qualifying Questionnaires” where the candidate must answer vacancy-specific questions correctly prior to submitting an application?
Define APIs and use in Oracle HRMS?