Write Test Scripts for a telecummunication project on the basis of priority with some examples with regard to AP,GL,FA.
How do u bridge the gaps in functional understanding of AP,GL,FA. explain with some live examples.
please explain with examples the below mentioned "Creating the end to end business scenarios and executing the scenarios to perform the regression testing".
explain with examples what r the roles & Responsiblities of a functional consultant who reviews the Test Scripts, Test Cases and Test Execution Results of AP, FA and GL.
Define the activities of the Configuration Manager (AP,GL,FA) in the team. Give examples
Anyone provide the oracle fin/scm definetions
How do write a discoverer report to identify zero dollar suppliers/invoices where the supplier is on hold?
Explain Customer Creation and Maintenance Process. Provide samples of customer master records with Payment Terms.
Do you track and record relationships between customers e.g. franchises, subsidiaries etc.?
Provide an overview of AR cash receipt processing.
How do you adjust receivables?
Explain Customer Creation and Maintenance Process. Provide samples of customer master records with Payment Terms.
There is employee X and employee Y (who is supervisor of X); when Y submits expenses how will the system ensures that this should not go to X even if he has the approval authority.
Can Adjustments be imported?
Substitute receipts and Unordered Receipts