Did you participate in any extra curricular activities? What for? Do you gain any thing out of it?
selected not selected school college district state university level
why you didn't make sports as a career
compare your school teachers to college profesors ?
compare your school principal to college principal ?
parents like as a son daughter or they don't like in and want to improve on
according to them ..father ,sister,mother..what good and bad qualities you have ?
in case your mother is just house wife how much educated she is ? why she is not working ? what is her routine of the whole day ?
what view do you have towards the govt reservation policy, do you think it should be given on what criteria ? do you think reservation policy is an effective tool ?
why do you not believe in horoscope or astrology
why you like salman khan ?
why you like katrina kaif ?
your perception on ayodhya issue ? the decision given by high court is it right ? why ? why not? What should be right decision ?
do you think india should be secular ? why?
what is reasons for communal riots