What special preparation you have done this time to ensure success?
Considering the recent mishaps in Navy, if your parents don’t allow you to join Navy how will you convince them?
How can you say that you are responsible? Give few incidents from your life to show that you are responsible ??
you are not having a good GK, why is that so?
whom you love the most mom or dad ? & if ur answer is mom than why mom not dad ?? & if dad than why dad not mom ??
who are better friends according to you-girls or boys? if boy than why boys not girl?? & if girl than why girls not boy ??
should women be granted permanent commision in army or not"? if yes than why?? if no than why??
Why airforce after Msc math?
Considering the recent mishaps in Navy, if your parents don’t allow you to join Navy how will you convince them?
you are not having a good GK, why is that so ??
Why don’t you smoke when your friends smoke and drink?
Why didn’t you try for SSB after 12th through NDA?
Why are you not working anywhere?
How are you surviving without a job?
Why have you not prepared for SSB?