can you debug ile rpg program using isdb?
what is the difference between do while and do until?
how do I declare a minor?
are there any useful c runtime apis that I can call from rpg iv?
what was the robotech rpg?
how can you display specific subfile page on the screen in unequal subfile?
during execution, an rpg/400 program automatically follows a sequence of operations for each record that is processed. The built-in program cycle includes the following logical steps.
how can I tell when to replace the array?
what is kids-rpg?
is this a rpg channel?
what is the use of sflnxtchg?
how do I preserve and clean the array?
what do you mean by an input subfile, what are the keywords required?
how do I declare a table or array in rpg iv?
what is the rpg system?