Un-Answered Questions { VB Script }

wat is the com(common object model)object for mozilla firefox???????plz if any one know the exact answer....reply me......


Write a Script for ATM in QTP


Hi Friends my Question is very simple,in Manual testing when we click on a hyper link it directs us to the relavent page or it re-directs us to the current page,so there we can easily write testcase but same thing if we do in automation script using QTP & need to generate report using Reporter.report event how we will do it?thanks in advance...


Anyone have qtp11.0 crack?


does anyone have qtp11.0 license key.Please sendit to my mail id-rrvv2011@gmail.com...Thanks


when we use filter funtiom invb script(QTP)


how to acces the remote mechine using vb cript(QTP)


how to write validation function for date in vb script


regular expression that will recognize a browser as long as its name property starts with mybrowser


How to Enter Values on the Command promt using VB script


Develop a parameterized action that accomplishes the following a. Launch a browser of users choice ( example : IE, chrome etc) b. Open up a search engine (Google, Bing etc) c. Perform a search d. Click a particular link depending on the user’s choice ( 1st , 2nd or third link)


Sub link() Dim k As Integer Dim rand As Integer Dim URL As String Dim foldernum As Integer Dim folderstring As String Dim filenum As Integer Dim filestring As String k = 1 'for AC Numbers For i = 11 To 40 foldernum = 0 foldernum = 1000 + i folderstring = CStr(foldernum) folderstring = Mid(folderstring, 2, 3) folder = "ac" & folderstring 'folderstring = Sheets(2).Cells(i, 1) ' for Number of Random files For j = 1 To 10 rand = Int(Rnd * (200 - 1) + 1) filenum = 0 filenum = 1000 + rand filestring = CStr(filenum) filestring = Mid(filestring, 2, 3) 'URL = "http://ceobihar.nic.in/PSCDROM/ac" & folderstring & "/i" & folderstring & "0" & filestring & ".pdf" URL = "http://www.elections.tn.gov.in/pdfs/dt1/" & folder & "/" & folder & filestring & ".pdf" ' URL =http://www.wb.nic.in/wbeco/EROLLS/PDF/English/A001/a0010105 .pdf Cells(k, 1) = folderstring Cells(k, 2) = folder Cells(k, 3) = filestring Cells(k, 3) = URL k = k + 1 Next j Next i End Sub plz define it


how to answer "TELL ME ABOUT UR SELF" as exp.person. whr to start and whr to stop. can anyone tel me


What is the difference between VBScript and JavaScript?


A folder is there inside no of textfiles are avilable. How do count the textfiles. Normally folder means we are using subfolder methods but textfiles is not working for subfolder methods and how do get file name also.