Un-Answered Questions { VB Script }

what is the object hyrarchy in QTP for a web based application


How to add actions in driver script to run those actions in QTP?


while using Keyward driven framework in QTPif new requirements are added how to manage it...plz ans


Hi Friends, I have an issue like the describe below: I'm using QTP and I'm testing on SharePoint. As you knoe, SharePoint has a customize function for user, so that, If I add an object Web Table at the first time, that object was recognized by "index" and "html tag", after that, if someone change the display of web part, the "Index" of my object was changed as well and QTP unable to select that Web Table. Can you guide me how to identify or anyway to keep that Web Table object as unique object? Thanks a lot.


Could Anybody Please tell me What is the script for Find 3rd Largest element in the Array without using a SORT function int Find(int arr[], int size); Thanks in Advance..


Hi, Can anyone please send me vb script examples to practice vb and also material to learn vb scripting in QTP? my email id : hareen_11@yahoo.com


PLz send me the VB scripts which is having more examples my email id : hareen_11@yahoo.com


what is resorceallocation


how to write a vb script in QTP for yahoo registration form, i want to check the performance also like performance test, stress, load test like that.


Illustrate briefly about the different types of statement


where can i learn VB scripint ?


write a program to display configuration of a local system with the help of vb script.


how does vb script help in web page designing? explain with example.


what is the features of visual basic?


1.I want to establish connection with excel and also want to fetch the data using SQL queries. 2.the code should be written in such a way that in future if I want to migrate from excel to MS excess database , then there should be minimal changes.