what is uni-rexx?
is there an aix version of oorexx?
what would I use uni-rexx for?
does uni-rexx give me any capabilities designed specifically for the unix environment?
how to access data in control blocks such as jobname?
what if I need to have the same application running on multiple platforms, such as unix and the mainframe? Does that mean I have to maintain two separate sources?
Can I cleanly uninstall oorexx?
for which platforms is uni-rexx available?
why is there no os/2 (ecs) port of oorexx?
can oorexx run normal rexx programs?
can I redistribute oorexx freely with commercial software?
is oorexx compatible with ibm object rexx?
how to pass parms to ispf edit macro?
how to access data held on the jes spool?
have you already used rexx - even for limited purposes? Do you need to maintain a high level of productivity during your transition to unix?