Topic :: JSP

JSP Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

waht is the main diference b/w servelts and JSP ?


8 16611

What is JSP?

3 5801


2 11812

How are Servlets and JSP Pages related?

2 7658

What are JSP Directives?

9 17680

How to set a cookie in JSP?

2 8180

How can a cookie is deleted with JSP?

1 4817

What are JSP scripting elements?

8 15089

How to pass JavaBeans data to JSP using Servlets?

2 8283

How many page directive we can use in a single JSP?


2 13050

Can we use methods in JSP? If so where the methods are stored in servlet class file?

Bodhtree, Cognizant, Persistent, TCS,

6 25868

How to implement a thread-safe jsp page?

3 12875

how to enable session tracking for jsp pages,if the browser has disabled cookies?

2 10681

What is the difference between and sendRedirect?


6 17261

How do you import the packages in the JSP?

HCL, Hyderabad Central University,

14 41172

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Un-Answered Questions { JSP }

how to make a index.jsp for running the site in internet and find an error for connection with weblogic server and java that give an error invalid object name.and how to maintain session.


hi iM questions is my project is a web based & developed using java,jsp. when i record it using qtp what script i will get like either browser("jdfjkf").page("nkf").... or javawindow("f d ").javaedit("Dasf").... plz clarify my doubt asap and i also need some vbscipt of java coding?


How to get ip address in jsp login page and how to validate like all should not be greater than 255


code to create procedure for taking databse backup in sql server or i have the query for it but what it's query returns means i want to show on my jsp that the databse backup has been taken on the basis of that return value.does it returns 0 or 1.wat is the code for that


sir plz send some previous year questions of jspl.


sir am giving jspl exam on 19th oct . i belong to eee, so plz send previous question papers dis id


When i am useing useBean tag of JSP in weblogic server It show compiletion error..Like bad class file: C:\bea\user_projects\domains\Mahesh\applications\UseBean\WEB-INF\classes\user\UserData.class class file has wrong version 49.0, should be 48.0 Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath. user.UserData user1 = null; //[ /SaveName.jsp; Line: 4]


without selecting individually each field in Action Class from jsp,what is the best process to select as many as field at a time automatically from jsp page by using value object class.


Why should i prefer JSP over or any other web development language..??


hi sir yhis is zahid ali i am preparing for the jspl at oct.4.please send me the recently updated sample paper.


Has HTC Global Services been caught for Violation of immigration laws by US department of labor? Correct ans: HTC Global Services caught by US Department of Labor URL: Companies which violate immigration laws need to be exposed. HTC Global Services is a company based in Troy, Michigan with offices around the world. In India, it has offices in Tambaram, a suburb of Chennai. This company has been found to violate US immigration laws. The following instances along with supporting evidence cautions employers and employees. 1. HTC Global Services has been found to violate the US Immigration laws on "6/8/2000" specifically "Failure to comply with subpart H or I (failed to obtain PW documentation)". Refer case no : 213 in the excel document. 2. HTC Global Services has recently found to violate Immigration and Nationality Act (20.C.F.R Section 655.731) which includes withholding wages/salary from employee. conviction-of-htc-global-services services-us-department-of-labor-determination-letter Check the images for proof of violation: U/df-Kf5bKm_E/s1600-h/Page1.JPG c/pqeQDETEQqY/s1600-h/Page2.JPG M/HpYZh4AFlbE/s400/Violations_by_HTC.bmp k/_POL9LjYDw8/s1600-h/H1B_Violation.JPG Search Tags: HTC Global Services Madhava Reddy H1B Sponsorship Green Card USA Immigration


pls provide me syllabus and old question paper of instrumentation engineering for GET(JSPL)


Java Server Page I can use a function in two ways: Either I declare or I declare <%@ page import = "mypack.mysubpack.MyClass" %> In each case I can call a function later by coding MyClass.myFunction(); So what is the difference between the two variantes? Why are Beans invented if we don't need them because we have the import statement ? please guide me its an humble request to you reader if u know n i'll be thankful to you...........


Hi Friends. I want complete technical flow of j2ee project with following technologies. jsp , servlet , Struts , Hibernate , (should follow mvc-2 design pattern) . with DAO ,DTO SERVICE layers .


list some common errors faced with jspm while updating java stcks.and solutions.