Topic :: Frameworks

Frameworks Interview Questions
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What is entitycontainer? : Entity framework


What is associationset? : Entity framework


What is entity framework? : Entity framework


What is edm designer? : Entity framework


What is entitytypes? : Entity framework


What is edm (entity data model)? : Entity framework


What is definingquery in entity framework? : Entity framework


What is entity client data provider? : Entity framework


What is conceptual model? : Entity framework


What is entity sql? : Entity framework


Explain entity lifecycle? : Entity framework


What is entitytype? : Entity framework


Explain linq to entities? : Entity framework


Tell me what is the request flow used for mvc framework? : mvc


What are the features that make more used framework? : mvc


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CANDOR Services, a leading provider of next-generation staffing services, draws from unparalleled resources and expertise to offer you innovative, quality workforce solutions. We have openings for "J2EE ARCHITECT" with one of our clients. Client is CMM Level 5 company. Location : Hyderabad Roles A J2EE Architect with expertise in Web Architecture (covering Spring MVC, AOP, Webflow, Struts, Tiles, Hibernate, JAAS, Web Application Performance Turning & Measurement) as part of Solutions Architecture Group: Position involves in providing architectural vision, conceptualize and provide architectural approaches, create models and specifications, and validating the architecture against requirements and assumptions. Also involves in providing oversight over ongoing projects as a reviewer and auditor Educational Requirements A minimum of BS or MS (MS preferred) in Computer Science or Engineering or equivalent experience in the IT industry. Skill Sets Overall 8-10 Years of experience in IT industry with 3-4 Years of experience in Service industry Technology Skills Java, J2EE, MVC Frameworks (Struts/WebWork/JSF/Spring), Spring, AOP, WebFlow, ORM Tools (Hibernate/Ibatis/JDO/Tapestry), App servers, Databases, JAAS Web Application Performance Tuning & Measurement 6+ years Java software development experience. 4+ years of enterprise Java development, with emphasis on web-based applications. Strong relational database and SQL skills (5+ years). Mail to :


can we test the application by inserting checkpoints using silktest as we do in qtp and winrunner and also what are the automation frameworks in silktest


how to prevent corporate lootings and frauds? is there any mechanism available besides the legislative frameworks stipulated by SEBI OR CL AFFAIRS?


i am new QTP... please tell me automation frameworks , types & for whiich type of applications frameworks are used & how to generate script in keyword driven framework


Explain howyou would account for the following items/situations,justifying answers by reference to the conceptual frameworks defintion and rcognition criteria. a)A trinket of sentimental value only b)You are the guarantor for your friends bank loan i) You have no reason to belive that your friend will default on the loan ii) As your friend is in serious financial dificulties,you think it is likely that he will default on the loan c)You receive 1000 shares in X Ltd,trading at $4 each,as a gift from a grateful client. d)The panoramic view of the coast from your cafes windows,which you are convinced attracts customers to your cafe


What are Keyword and Data driven frameworks in Selenium RC


How many test scenarios you have automated? How many time it will take to execute 30-40 scenarios? What SDLC model you are following? How often you will execute your test scripts? Because of some changes, your test scripts failed? When you will update your test scripts? How much time it will take to update? Do you know how to connect database? Do you know the direct method to count no. of records (or) rows present in record set once query is executed? How will you create the connection string? How did you resolve conflicts present in Object Repository? How good you are in VB? How will you work on Excel Application? How will you select Excel sheet? If you want to select 10 sheets, will you create 10 separate objects? Given string is “abcd”. What are the methods you will use to display “dcba”? Drives script – explain the frameworks? How you are updating results for each test? What is start up, configuration, navigation scripts? If you are not able to understand the application (some module), who will teach you? What test cases to be automated? When to be automated? What is the testing process you are following? What life cycle you are following? When you will use Descriptive Programming? Do you have the permission to add objects into shared object repository? (OR) someone will maintain SOR? Do you know how to add objects into shared object repository? How many test cases you have automated? How much time will it take to execute? What is complex in automation? When you feel automation is complex? Tell me one scenario, the complex functionality you have automated in your project? Excel sheet having some datas and some datas present in the application (in table). How will you compare these two datas? Write code to fetch datas from Excel sheet. Rate yourself in SQL? Display the employee name who is getting maximum salary? sal ID Salary name 001 100 002 500 003 300 ID 001 002 003 Ename A B C Have you written any test cases while you are in Automation? Manual Testing also will you do or you will work only in automation?


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What are the different types of frameworks?


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