Topic :: OOPS

OOPS Interview Questions
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What are oops functions?


What is new keyword in oops?


Do loops c#?


Do loops in c#?


What is class in oops with example in c#?


What is the use of oops in c#?


Why we use oops in c#?


Why do we need oops in c#?


What is data binding in oops?


What is namespace in oops?


What is coupling in oops?


What is java oops?


Do loops swift?


What are oops methods?


What is property in oops?


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Un-Answered Questions { OOPS }

How to Use Variables & For Loops in Delphi?


how can you get the errors in job? when loops are araised we get error?


explain about scope and storage class in oops


i am currently working in mainframes in cobol(old version without OOPS concepts. I wish to be more specialised in specific product or language or tool in mainframes, so willing to take up training and learn one.what is the most widely asked tool or specific package in mainframes that has a great demand in market as of now?


give eg of how I/P is used in control loops


What is state space method ? Why its used ? Can it applicable on linear, non-linear, 1st order, higher order, homogeneous, non-homogeneous, open-loop , closed loops , stable & unstable systems ?


String = "C++ is an object oriented programming language.An imp feature of oops is classes and objects".Write a pgm to count the repeated words from this scenario?


how to find anagram without using string functions using only loops in c programming


A simple problem involing in hoops stress. For sphere: M= [3/2]*p*V*[density of pressure vessel material/Maximum working stress it can tolerate] For Thin walled pressure walls: Hoops stress or stress in the radial direction =p*r/2t ?


What are step loops? How do you program page down page up in step loops?


Hi I have 10+ years of telecom application development experience ( telecom billing product -call control (ISUP/INAP/CAMEL call handling), short message routing application, telecom tools development). I am very strong in C++/Unix , core java and advanced oops design. Recently I have undergone a training in 3G mobile protocol developement. I have very good knowledge about WCDMA, its various layers and gone through 3GPP technical specs. Now I am looking for 3G mobile development opportunities. I am finding very difficult to get it, as I don't have the relevant experiences on 3G development. Please advice me on this to enter into mobile protocol development.


java program with complete 4 oops concepts implemented example


what is the drawback of classical methods in oops?


1.What is stub in software testing ? A dummy sub program A test case,which fails regularly A defect log report A defect ,which is not closed 2. What does 100% code coverage mean while testing software ? Basic flow of software is tested All critical test cases are tested Each line of code is executed at least once while testing . No while and If loops are tested 3. What does GPF in Windows95 stands for ? Great Performance Format General Performance Error General Protection Fault Group Performance Frequency 4. Which of the following best fits for testing boundary values ? Age test box accepts age between 10-20 (both inclusive) Name text box can have any value Date text box should have data in dd/mm/yyyy format Employee Grade text box can have one of the following values L1,M1,E1 5. string somestring; Which of the following choices will convert a standard C++ string object “somestring” to a C string somestring.c_str() &somestring[1] Copy.somestring() Std::cstring(something) 6. Which of the following best suites load scenario ? 100 users chatting in a chat application Testing for compulsory fields in a employee details form Checking for date format in date of birth field 7. What is the function of the modulus operator in most languages ? Sets a system environmental value to either base 10 ,base 8 or base 16 Returns the remainder after dividing one number by another Returns the first argument raised to the second argument power Prints out the actual code written to standard output rather than executing the code 8. class professor{} class teacher: public virtual professor{}; class researcher: public virtual professor {} class myprofessor :public teacher,public researcher {}; Referring to the sample code above ,if an object of class “myprofessor” were created ,how many instances of professor will it contain? 0 1 2 3 9. What function will read a specified number of elements from a file ? fread() readfile() fileread() gets() 10. What is the largest value an integer can hold in a Standard C compiler ? 32767 65536 2147483647 INT_MAX 11. With every use of memory allocation function should be used to release allocated memory which is no longer needed ? dropmem() dealloc() release() free() 12. Modern RDBMS’s perfom the following the following functionc except ______________. Force column values in one table to match any of the values in a column of another table Automatically replicate data on another server Automatically create new indexes based on query history Prevent unauthorized users from accessing data at the firls level 13. Which is not the characteristics of a view ? Consumes Disk space for data Multiple tables Multiple rows Updateable 14. RDBMS triggers are typically bound to a _____________and one or more _____________ Table,SQL statement types SQL statement type,user Column,rows User, tables 15. What relationship is resolved by an “intersecting” or “associative” entity ? Recursive Mandatory one to one Many to Many One to One 16. Select a,b,c,d from vtable where b>2 and c<4 Assuming you will execute the above query often ,changing only the values in the where clause ,what could you do to improve efficiency ? Create a database stored procedure with parameters to execute this statement Create an index on columns a&b Create a temporary table that contains the data and use triggers to maintain it Create a trigger that executes this statement and execute the trigger 17. Make a copy of file “upper” in the directory two levels up . jump –2 upper cp upper ../.. cp upper –2/ None of the above 18. Change the current directory to /usr/local/bin mv /usr/local/bin cd /usr/local/bin setdir /usr/local/bin my/usr/local/bin 19. How do you change the access permission (add group read/write) to all the files in the current directory containing the word “ cali ” in their names ? chmod g+rw * cali * setperm r+w * cali * chmod 0660 * cali * Both A and C


my first question in huawei was ....1)Tell me about your self 2) oops concept 3)logic gates 4)ram and rom ,what is cache memory nd where it is located 5)diffrence between file system and data base 6) procedure of operating system 7)what is c# 8)high level language and machine language 9) and from mobile networkin !!!! hope thz will help you