Topic :: Destructor

Destructor Interview Questions
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Is finalize() similar to a destructor?


What is finalize()? Is finalize() similar to a destructor?


What is the need of a destructor?


What is the need of a destructor? Explain with the help of an example.


What is a virtual destructor? Explain the use of it?


What are destructors?


What are the restrictions apply to constructors and destructors?


What is virtual destructor? What is its use?


Explain the use of virtual destructor?


Explain in what order a destructors is called.


what is a constructor? What is a destructor?


Explain Constructor and destructor?


What is destructive testing?


What are the benefits of destructive testing?


The throbbing caused by sounds of slightly different frequencies that results because of periodic constructive and destructive interference is called:


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Un-Answered Questions { Destructor }

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Question In a class, there is a reference or pointer of an object of another class embedded, and the memory is either allocated or assigned to the new object created for this class. In the constructor, parameters are passed to initialize the data members and the embedded object reference to get inialized. What measures or design change should be advised for proper destruction and avioding memory leaks, getting pointers dangling for the embedded object memory allocation? Please suggest. Question Submitted By :: Sunil Kumar I also faced this Question!! Rank Answer Posted By Re: In a class, there is a reference or pointer of an object of another class embedded, and the memory is either allocated or assigned to the new object created for this class. In the constructor, parameters are passed to initialize the data members and the embedded object reference to get inialized. What measures or design change should be advised for proper destruction and avioding memory leaks, getting pointers dangling for the embedded object memory allocation? Please suggest. Answer # 1 use copy constructors 0 Shanthila There is something to be taken care in destructor, in copy constructor, suppose the memory is assigned to the embedded member object pointer with the parameter passed value, but if some other objects of different class also are pointing to this memory, then if some one deletes the object then this class member pointer object will become dangling, or if the object is not deleted properly then there will be memory leak. Please suggest the design change required to handle or avoid this situation


what are constructors and destructors?


what mean void creat_object?in public class in this code class A{ public: int x; A(){ cout << endl<< "Constructor A";} ~A(){ cout << endl<< "Destructor A, x is\t"<< x;} }; void create_object(); void main() { A a; a.x=10; { A c; c.x=20; } create_object(); } void create_object() { A b; b.x=30; }


Always declare destructors to be virtual"?????? why this is so needed?????


Why is it so that we can have virtual constructors but we cannot have virtual destructors?


what is the difference between C and C++? what is the difference between scanf and gets? what is mean by extern what is the use of it? what will happen if i say delete this> Difference between C structure and C++ structure? What is the difference between overloading and overridding? Explain the need for "virtual Destructor" Can we have "virtual Constructors"? What is the different types of polymorphism> What is virtual functions? How to implement virtual function in "C"? What are the different types of storage classes?


There are two base class B1,B2 and there is one class D which is derived from both classes, Explain the flow of calling constructors and destructors when an object of derived class is instantiated.


Why are the destructors for base class and derived class called in reverse order when the program exits


Destructors CANNOT be implemented in which one of the following?


write a C++ program for booking using constructor and destructor.


What happens if an exception is throws from an object's destructor?


what is a destructor?


What are virtual destructors?


What is the purpose of a constructor? Destructor?