QUANTUM BIOLOGY - EXAMPLE 33.4 : (a) According to Landauer (1986), the capacity of human memory is approximately X bits. Assume that a human retains 2 bits / second of visual, verbal, tactile and musical memory, find the value of X if a human lifetime is approximately 2.5 billion seconds. (b) The total power consumption of the human brain is about 25 Watts. The bread of 100 grams will produce 1000 kilojoules of energy. How much bread is needed to run a human brain for 1 day?
1 1694QUANTUM BIOLOGY - EXAMPLE 33.8 : (a) Let ^ be the symbol of power where 1 ^ 2 = 1 x 1 = 1, 2 ^ 2 = 2 x 2 = 4. Let the number of electrons in a human body to be 10 ^ 28 = A, the number of all of the grains of sand on Earth planet to be 7 x (10 ^ 20) = B, the number of all the stars in the visible sky to be 8 x (10 ^ 3) = C. By assuming that every star in the visible sky has the same number of grains of sand as on Earth planet, prove by mathematical calculations that there are more electrons in one human body compared to the number of all of the grains of sand on the stars in the visible sky. (b) The incoming solar radiation to the Earth's surface is mainly from sun. Around 51 % of the radiation is absorbed by Earth's surface. Around 19 % is absorbed by atmosphere and clouds. In term of reflection, 4 % of the radiation is from surface of Earth, 6 % is reflected by atmosphere and the rest is reflected by clouds. Find the percentage of radiation absorbed by and reflected by biological beings on Earth, with reason for your response.
1 1673QUANTUM BIOLOGY - EXAMPLE 33.9 : (a) Let ^ be the symbol of power where 10 ^ 1 = 10, 10 ^ 2 = 100, 10 ^ 3 = 1000 etc. Total energy consumption of the brain is about 25 Watts, whereas a Blue Gene computer requires 1.5 Mega Watts. Blue Gene computer performs at 1 petaflop. In a human body, there are approximately 10 ^ 16 synapse operations per second i. e. at least 10 petaflops. Prove by calculations that a human brain is more energy efficient than a Blue Gene computer. (b) Quantum effects and quantum entanglement in the brain are identical to quantum gravity and string theory. If one is true, the other is true. What conclusion can be made if quantum effects in the brain and quantum gravity are true?
1 1528
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