Topic :: Habitat

Habitat Interview Questions
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What is the natural habitat of Bacteroides fragilis? What infections do they cause?

1 7548

Plants growing in dry habitats are: (a) xerophytes (b) hygrophytes (c) mesophytes

1 3430

Why do migratory birds go back to their earlier habitat in spring? Because of 1 Weather becoming too hot in the regions 2 Scarcity of food in the regions to which they have migrated 3 Breeding instinct with change n climate and they breed only in their original habitat 4 Hunting season commencing in spring

1 3444

the first land inhabitating plants are


8 7571

difference between habit and habitat?

2 6768

What is the difference between ecological niche and habitat?


How does the structure of a crab relate to its habitat?


What is the natural habitat of e.coli?


Explain how does the structure of a crab relate to its habitat?


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Un-Answered Questions { Habitat }

What is the difference between ecological niche and habitat?


How does the structure of a crab relate to its habitat?


What is the natural habitat of e.coli?


Explain how does the structure of a crab relate to its habitat?