Is it necessary to have database in archive log mode in configuration dataguard , if yes then why?
314A dba had to remove some archivelogs to free up space in filesystem. Nowwhen the rman job starts to backup archivelogs, it complains about missing archivelogs thatwere deleted by dba. To resolve the issue and continue backing up remainder of archivelogs,which rman command can be used so it wo not complain about missing archivelogs.
What is SerDe in Apache Hive ?
What is Apache Hive?
What kind of applications is supported by Apache Hive?
Where is table data stored in Apache Hive by default?
What is the default database provided by Apache Hive for metastore?
What is the functionality of Query Processor in Apache Hive?
What is the prerequisite for Apache Hive installation?
What will happen in case you have not issued the command: ‘set hive.enforce.bucketing=true;’ before bucketing a table in hive in apache hive 0.x or 1.x?