What is pledge, chart, lean, hypothecations?
Sir, I have qualified in the sbi clerical test .Now my interview is on 16-10-2008.So pls tell me what questions are asked in the interview and tell me the reference book for interview in sbi.
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
When will SBI Clerk recruitment final result declare, anyone have latest information, I'm a candidate from Guwahati zone, Interview on 26 April, inform me at sapon.hk@gmail.com
2 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
when will be the indian bank clerical results will be announced
what are the interview questions asked in sbi about marketing and banking
what is the meaning of allahabad bank logo?
What is economy? what is the present economy rate?
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
The state bank of patiala website is not opening.The screen shows "The page cannot be displayed".Can anybody help me. Pls its very urgent.
Hai i got selected for SBM, Tamilnadu... Is there anyone selected For SBM.. if so please say when we get the orders.. I dont know what to do and where to get information regarding this.. So please help me... If any one knows any information just add please.. MY id is somethingnew43@yahoomail.com
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
pl send to my mail the model papers for bank clerical exam mail id is meenashi20@gmail.com
how many type of banks there are?