What is economy? what is the present economy rate?
hi guys , my hearty congrats 2 evry1 hu hve bin fnally selected in sbbj clerk xam. Friends i feel myslf freaky as i hve got neither any email nor ny mobile msg but on the site of sbi i found myself fnally selected . can this b possible? plz ans 2 this . i do not hve ny idea regarding appointment letter n medical certificate. if ny1 hz plz ans 2 this plllzzzzzzz.......
hiii, I have cleared the written test for sbi clerical post and my interview is scheduled to be on 22nd october and i am doing final year electronics and communication engineering.So i am confused regarding the type of questions which i will have to face in the interview.will the questions be from my field or will it be the general banking questions.if someone knows more regarding this ,please mail to me or reply in the site.I am very much tensed regarding this,hope you will help me to tackle the situation and best of luck to everyone. my mail id:sp.unnithan@gmail.com
Sir Now Iam preparing for clerical exam of South Indian Bank. So Iam in need of South Indian Bank clerk question paper with answers. Kindly send me to my email id sreedas23@yahoo.com. Thanking you..
can anyone tell me wt ques can be asked in d interview of sbi life insurance .....
Hey frnz, this is Syed Ataur Rahman. can any1 plz tell me the basic category of questions asked in the interview for sbi clerical. like is it related to banking or GK, or smthng else? ??????? plz do reply. my email id is-rahmanataur0@gmail.com
I am a btech in computer science and engg. I have cleared written of SBI CLERICAL EXAM NOV 2009 Please tell me what kind of questions will be asked??
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
i want to know about sbi clerical interview questions
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
Hai I have been selected for clerical post in state bank of patiala,Tamilnadu.If anybody gets appointment order or having any idea about when will the appointment order issued pls inform me immediately.
nationalisation of banks when and why?
1 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
pls send the sbi clerical exam question & answer (last 5 year)
7 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
Hello guys and gals, Congratulations to those who have passed their exam for SBI clerk 2010. I am also through with the exam and have my interview scheduled on 30th April 2010. Could you people who are having interview before this date let me know the questions asked(after your interview). I am commerce graduate and I will appreciate your help before this date. Thanks and All D Best.