why is history a science subject?
My self Customs House Agent service provider. we are billing to the importer or exporter after clearance i.e service charges, all receipted expenses and transport bill for engaged the goods to reach their warehouse. we have to collect service tax or not for transport reim-imbursement charges.
There is an urgent need of SBI PO syllabus and previous & solved question papaer... please also refer the book for the entrance exam...please Send the syllabus and question paper at my email id itsam86@gmail.com
Do you like to organize and lead or prefer to be led?
A traveler must pack three items: food, first-aid kits and clothes. The container has a capacity of 4 ft3. Each unit of food takes 3 ft3. The first- aid kit occupies 1 ft3 and each piece of cloth takes 2 ft3. The traveler assigns the priority weights 3, 4 and 5 to food, first-aid and clothes, which means that the clothes are the most valuable of the three items. Using dynamic programming approach, find the optimal number of each item that the traveler should carry?
Why do you want to join Genpact?
Hello, My name is kassande and I would like to know what Acc, in banking terms, means? Thank you
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Tell me about your school
how will be the career growth in SBI if join as a clerk. (as i'm a MCA graduate).
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