what are share warrants?

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what are share warrants?..

Answer / bindu

Warrant gives the holder the right but not obligation to
buy an underlying security at a certain price, quantity and
future time.

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what are share warrants?..

Answer / shiv kumar k

Warrant is a document issued under the common seal of the
company stating that the bearer is entitled to the shares
mentioned therin.Holder of a share warrant will be deemed to
be a mamber if Aricles of Association so provide so.

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what are share warrants?..

Answer / priya

it is an option to buy a specified number kof kjnew sharess
of comman stock at a predetermined price. It is a similar
to call option

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what are share warrants?..

Answer / shiks

warrants are generally provided as sweeteners along with various debt instruments which give the right to the holder to buy shares of the company within a stipulated time and at a predetermined price

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